Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yellow Submarine Cake

Bolo Yellow Submarine para matéria do Jornal da Tarde ( Yellow Submarine cake for the Jornal da Tarde Newspaper)

Photo By Carla Ikeda - DENTRO DO FORNO - BOLOS DEC via Flickr

This amazing cake is by  Carla Ikeda  that colorfully captures the essence of the '60's classic The Beatles song  "Yellow Submarine".

I had to use Google Translate as the description was in Portuguese.
"I know that the theme is repeated, but this time I tried to pull over to the psychedelia of the animation.
First floor:       The Beatles in the windows of the submarine
Second floor:  Pepperland
Third floor     Seabed
Top:                 Captain out of the hatch detail: Nowhere Man"
I think that the details are amazing, but that the Captain looks a little more like a Colonial.
Colonel Sanders

1 comment:

drollgirl said...

very very very cute!!!!