rayos x rosa, originally uploaded by Scan Toys.
If you are a parent of a tinkering tot or teen, you already know what the insides and parts of many toys are because you have ended up helping them try to put it back together (and even if you do it is never quite the same again).
Flickr user ScanToys has forgone the actual destruction...erh...tinkering and made a set of photos that show toys from airport security screener's sort of view with an artistic touch.
Above are a dinosaur and what looks to be the electronic controller for it, a key and some dolls.
Below are some toy vehicles.
rayos x aut simetria, originally uploaded by Scan Toys.
And here is an X-Ray picture of Barbie getting X-Rated with Ken (censored, of course).
Censored rayos x barbie originally uploaded by Scan Toys
To see the non-censored picture and the other 21 pictures in the set click over to Scan Toys.
Please, visit www.scantoys.com.ar
Please, visit www.scantoys.com.ar
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