Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Born Baby Penguin

Source: via Kathryn on Pinterest

This cute little creature is a new born baby African Black Footed Penguin that was born on June 26th at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.

You might be rubbing you eyes an think it is a mistake, African?  No, it is true.  They are the only penguin species in Africa and live on islands along the western southern coast..   They are also known as the "Jackass Penguin" because they sound like a jackass braying.  They do well in the Indiana climate as it is similar to where they come from, but they are an endangered species .

For more information visit Fort Wayne Children's Zoo website and if you ever get a chance to visit the zoo, I highly recommend it as it is a fun adventure for children and adults alike.

Disclaimer:  I have no affiliation with the zoo and have received nothing for this post.  My son enjoyed this zoo so much that when his grandmother passed away I purchased a brick near the giant frog splash pond in memorial with the donations made in lieu of flowers.

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