Friday, October 7, 2016

Cheap and Easy DIY Window Monsters

Photo:  Lisa Gordon

Wired,com has instruction to make window monsters to spook up your windows on cheap with most of the items that would be available at your local dollar store.
  • Black posterboard or black-painted cardboard
  • Colored cellophane or tissue paper (to put behind the cutout areas of the posterboard)
  • Tape 
  • Measuring tape
  • Chalk or pencil 
  • Scissors (or an X-Acto knife)

You basically measure your windows, cut out paper so it is not to big, draw your monsters, cut them out,  put cellophane behind the cut out and tape up.

For complete instructions visit Wired,com 

Martha Stewart has a similar concept using fabric to make Spooky Bird Silhouettes, but a poster board could be used instead and there is a template to download and instructions on how to use them.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to visit the other participants in this year's Countdown to Halloween at the link below.

1 comment:

Richard S. said...

These would be great for people who live in apartments, and don't have a yard to decorate!